Keywords: pottery art, hotel business, tourism, cultural heritage, national identity


In the modern world, the hospitality industry is constantly influenced by various trends and innovations. Among these innovations, pottery art is worth highlighting as an exceptionally interesting and unique aspect. This article explores the role of pottery art in the hospitality industry. The paper analyzes how pottery art can become a key factor in enhancing the attractiveness and competitiveness of hotels. Initiatives aimed at implementing pottery workshops in hotels are examined, where guests can not only observe artisans but also actively participate in creating their own ceramic masterpieces. The article also delves into the issues of interactivity and engaging guests in the process of crafting ceramic products through workshops and similar initiatives. The benefits of integrating pottery art into the hospitality industry are identified, including increased guest satisfaction, the creation of a unique hotel character, and drawing attention to national cultural values. The overarching conclusion is that pottery art represents an innovative approach that adds value to the hospitality industry, enhancing competitiveness and creating unforgettable experiences for guests.


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How to Cite
Borovyk, T., & Sylchuk, T. (2023). POTTERY ART AS A MODERN INNOVATION IN THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY. Economy and Society, (55). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-55-94