Keywords: economic security, economic entity, outsourcing, threats, risks


The article is devoted to the analysis and assessment of risks from the use of outsourcing in the activities of economic entities at the present stage of development of the national economy to be able to prevent and neutralize threats to the economic security of enterprises. The relevance of the topic is due to the intensification of the use of outsourcing in various fields as an alternative of enterprise development strategy in a total cutback of economic activity, and also the necessity of understanding the dangers of using this external resource. The main scientific approaches of defining the concept of outsourcing as an economic phenomenon and one of the methods of cost optimization for improvement of the enterprise efficiency are proposed. The main factors that determine the feasibility of using outsourcing have been identified. A number of advantages and disadvantages of using outsourcing are identified. The most typical risks in case of application of outsourcing technologies by the enterprise are analyzed, such as violation of the mode of storing of confidential information, loss of experience of personnel in the implementation of the function transferred to outsourcing, dishonesty of the outsourcer, etc. The necessity of preliminary risk assessment of using an outsourcing strategy for the economic security of the economic entity is argued. It is proved that the risks of outsourcing in the activities of economic entities can lead to internal threats to its economic security, such as threats to the management system (dependence on external partners, their unreliability), threats related to staff (low competence and outflow of qualified personnel), threats of leakage of confidential information. The examples of formation of business models as a conglomerate of a combination of internal and external processes for achievement of the maximum possible level of competitiveness of the enterprise are provided. The decision-making algorithm on the use of outsourcing is defined, which allows a fairly transparent process of its implementation on the enterprise and significantly reduces the risks of cooperation with the outsourcer.


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How to Cite
Kuchuk, A. (2021). RISKS FROM THE USE OF OUTSOURCING FOR ECONOMIC SECURITY OF BUSINESS ENTITIES IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (24). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-24-45