Keywords: wheat production, grain exports, export potential, food security, agriculture


The main trends in wheat production and export in Ukraine have been studied. It is noted that wheat production is less than a third of the crop production in Ukraine. In 2020, Ukraine ranked 8th among wheat-producing countries. Accordingly, wheat production is of key importance for the country's economy, both in the context of food security and for the development of export potential. Ukraine's place in the world wheat trade is outlined: the country occupies one of the first positions among the countries of wheat producers and exporters in the world. In 2020, Ukraine became one of the five largest exporters of wheat (after Russia, the United States, Canada and France). The main threats posed by the difficult political and economic situation in Ukraine, which may negatively affect wheat production, have been identified. In particular, it is the physical inability to ensure agricultural work due to hostilities on the territory of agricultural lands; problems with the supply of imported products necessary for the work of agricultural producers (there is already a shortage of diesel fuel and fertilizers); complicated logistics of wheat exports (difficult access to sea routes). At the same time, problems such as labor shortages were identified (some workers became internally displaced persons or refugees, some workers could not participate in production due to military service); financial instability (difficulty in obtaining credit due to the instability of the banking system, currency risks, rising prices for logistics, etc.); outflow of investment resources, which were aimed at innovation, technological development of production, in investment projects with high added value. The measures already taken by the state authorities to ensure the support of agricultural producers are highlighted. Ways to ensure wheat production in the future are proposed, in particular: regional relocation of main productions to the regions controlled by Ukraine and those with the lowest risk of mining lands; ensuring import supplies to the domestic market of fuel, machinery, spare parts and other materials needed for field work by agricultural producers; stimulating cooperation and integration of agricultural enterprises in order to strengthen financial security; improving the logistics of wheat delivery to the world market and more.


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How to Cite
Liahovska, O. (2022). TRENDS OF WHEAT EXPORTS IN UKRAINE IN AN UNSTABLE ECONOMY. Economy and Society, (37).